Now glory be to God! By His mighty power at work within us, He is able to accomplish infinitely more than we would ever dare to ask or hope.
Ephesians 3:20

We are going to build a well.
Will you help us build a well?
$5,000 fully funds a well. A well that can save 500 lives. Change an entire village.

How you ask?
Generous, creative and caring women from all over the country have been sewing, knitting, painting, crafting, shopping, blogging, praying. Donating. Over 300 items. Handmade and heartfelt happiness.
Starting December 14th and ending December 18th.
Project 320 will be holding a virtual raffle.
15 prize bundles with over 20 items each!
Each $10 donation to the well earns one virtual ticket. SERIOUSLY YOUR $10 WILL CHANGE LIVES. You get to choose how many "tickets" to buy and which prize package you want to win.
On December 21st winners will be drawn.
But most of all, we will celebrate the victory.
The promise of clean water for a village.
Are you excited?
You should be!!!!
Because it is going to be awesome.
Grab a button. (top left)
Spread the word.
Go visit Project 320 for all the details.
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