Wednesday, September 23, 2009

DIY - Personalized Hand Sanitizer

Got a germ-a-phobe on your hands that you are hosting an event for? Like the scene in the Cat in the Hat where the new guy shakes the hand of the germ-a-phobic boss and gets fired. LOL!  If you ask my friends they would say that's me. Hee hee!

I just found the neatest blog called The Idea Room. What rock have I been hiding under to just have found it? Anyway there you will find tons of great ideas and I'm talking tons! I wanted to share this one with you, Personalized Hand Sanitizer & Soaps! What a great idea for a wedding or bridal shower favor? Click here to head on over to The Idea Room where you will find the tutorial and the download-able template. I really want to make these!

You probably want to pause the music at the bottom of our blog before playing this funny video.


Lisa Marie said...

I've never seen the blog before either and I've been blogging for like over 2 years, first blog I ran I deleted so i"m starting over... I'm gonna check it out... I'm a total germ a phobic...hehehe, have a great day, L

Shooting Stars Mag said...

This is awesome! So so cute. Thanks for the info.
