Sassy Sparkle help you personalize yourself and make a statement with a custom, Swarovski rhinestone t-shirt. At
Sassy Sparkle you can choose from one of their many designs or create your own. They can even design your company logo for you! You can get just the design without the shirt, or check out their great selection of shirts, many styles and colors to choose from.
This one is my favorite!

I like this one too!

And I'll take 2 of these 1 for my sis-in-law and 1 for my aunt ;)
Sassy Sparkle is giving away the cross rhinestone t-shirt shown below in you choice of style, size and color.
To enter go visit Sassy Sparkle and then come back here and leave us a comment on which design is your favorite.
For an additional entry become a fan of Sassy Sparkle on facebook. Be sure to come back and leave a separate comment telling us you are a fan!
Contest open to US only!
Love the red flaming heart tee shirt!
I love the Crown-Round!
I love the patriotic peace symbol
I like the "Be Kick Ass" T!
sstemple at embarqmail dot com
I am a fan of Sassy Sparkle on facebook (that is how I found your giveaway ;-)
I just became a fan on facebook!
Hey, my favorite is actually the cross T-shirt, sedond fav. would be the Mickey Mouse ears.
Love the Flops, Sun and Drink tee for ladies, in either the raspberry or light blue. Super cute! belles.cartes (@) verizon.net
I would get a make your own and put United States Marine Corps. I am a proud big sis!
The ladybug shirt....would be perfect for my daughter's first birthday...ladybug theme!
i like the bride tees for my wedding in january :)
i would make my own
its about love.
I like heart with wings t-shirt. so pretty! thanks jacquecurl1@gmail.com
i like the peace heart!
thank you!
I think I like the same one as you, the fight like a girl one!
and I am a fan on facebook now
Love "Fight like a girl" - I have a few friends fighting this and would love to gift it to one in particular!
my favorite is the monogram tshirt
I love the heart with wings tee! So cute!:)
Jamie Harris
My favorites are "Fight Like a Girl"(my mom is a breast cancer survivor) and Swirling Hearts. Thank you for the opportunity.
mcgregor_laura (at) hotmail (dot) com
Flip Flop Floozie is hilarious! I love it!
jls_wss2003 at yahoo dot com
The cross shirt is actually my favorite, but I also really like the be Happy design!
I'm a fan on facebook!
i like the create your own/sports teams...would be so cute for game day!
It's between the flaming heart and the cross with wings tee that are my favorites.
I like the I Heart my grandkids one for my mom! Thanks for the giveaway!
I am a fan of Sassy Sparkle on FB!
I like the "Be Kick Ass" T. Very cute!!
Leigh - Avennger17@yahoo.com
I like the Flip Flop Floozie
It's all about me! I like that one.
I like the Alabama A...just because it's my initial. :)
I love rhinestones and I love the "be awesome" tee! Very cool!!
I like the "Be Kick Ass" Tee.
I like the Got Mom? Tee
email:keithadanielle AT yahoo DOT com
I actually would love to get the pet name inside heart! It would be sooo cute on my little puppy.
Facebook fan!
I like swirling heart and the one you are giving away!
"Fight like a girl" is definately my favorite. They are all very cool though.
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